Hey there;
If you are a contributor, feel free to post both info and pics here.
the RULES;
1st off Email me at either [email protected] or [email protected]
and I'll make you a junior editor.
1- positively no pink skin between the thighs. For instance if posting
a sexfight picture be sure to put a black out over the dueling poudies!
I mean it, no back out dot, no more postings, and this page is already getting
500 hits an hour! Also search engines love Blogs, and we got the 1st Catfight one.
also Boobs mashed together are OK, but obvious licking biting is not...again use the
little black dot please. size limits of 250K total and no more than 6 pics no larger
than 50K each.
2- You will receive your own account
Email me at either [email protected] or [email protected]
3- Producers only may post pics here. I do not want any hassles with copy rights.
Honest! OK OK we got Cindy and Tara, but Jesus ta Jesus, they are asking for it?!?!?
I mean.... what a flippin dream fight!
4- ONE and only ONE posting every Month, and please remove your own posts
older than 60 days please.
5- last but not least, please put some kind of text link back to the Catfight Blog, on a decent
place on your link list. it can be a tiny little text link... for example ;
for dark backgrounds
The Catfight Blog
for white backgrounds
The Catfight Blog
OR use this Button served off our server;
West the Blog Master